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Natural Weight Loss Backed by Science

It is a fact that over 30% of American adults meet the criteria for obesity. Along with the increasing weight problem, many quick-fix weight loss plans have popped up on the internet and other social media. This has lead to much confusion. Are any of these programs healthy and effective? What will work for me? The search for health can feel overwhelming. It is no wonder many give up before they even get started!

WHY DIETING DOES NOT WORK, is that your body is meant to function, naturally as an efficient engine. You put good fuel into the engine and it rewards you with great health and the ability to function effectively. Does this sound like your motivation at mealtime? Do you know anyone that treats their body like an amazing Ferrari, running on high-grade fuel? Most people continue to eat modern-day genetically altered fruit and veggies, hormone-pumped meats, fat-laden fast foods and sugary drinks that can actually alter blood chemistry and metabolism.

Now the New-Level-Nutrition System!

TOXINS IN OUR BODY ARE ADDRESSED by the New-Level-Nutrition program. This is what really sets the system apart! If you breathe air, eat food or drink water, you are exposed to toxins in the environment on a daily basis. The liver, kidneys and lymphatic systems are working overtime to eliminate toxic substances. However, many organ systems are impaired because of the over-exposure to toxins and poor eating choices. How can you address these problems and improve your health? The New-Level-Nutrition program is designed to do just that!

NUTRITIONAL CLEANSING is the safe, natural and effective approach to improving your body’s ability to function better, so you feel better. Weight loss and fat release are the natural effect of improved cellular functioning with Nutritional Cleansing. What is even more incredible is that you also can improve your stamina, now that our digestive engine is running more efficiently!

Here is what makes this nutritional program so different from anything else:

1) Every person is unique and has specific nutritional requirements. Stressors, like emotional health, excessive work, social activities, exposure to allergens, poor nutritional choices, and physical trauma are just a few of the circumstances that may be factors complicating ideal body weight. The treatment plan for improving your body’s ability to function more effectively can be tailored to your specific needs. Are you an athlete? Are you a stressed-out executive? Are you short on time, so it is difficult to cook healthy meals? Do you have a family that you are concerned about? I customize the New-Level-Nutrition just for you!

2) The program is based on science-based nutrition that tastes great! Many people, just like you, have found that they are feeling great and losing unwanted inches in problem areas with food and snacks that tastes good! You do not have to feel that you are sacrificing health or taste. My program includes everything you need to succeed and is delicious enough to make a part of your everyday healthy eating. No calorie counting, measuring or preparing food and snacks for hours, as this incredible nutrition is easy to use and enjoy! Check it out now at New-Level-Nutrition.

3) The problem of toxicity in your system is addressed, so instead of just alleviating symptoms created by these toxins, your entire body benefits. What this means is, not only will your body be able to release excess fat, but you should experience overall health improvement. This is a sound scientific-based system that gently, effectively assists your body in releasing unwanted toxins from the cells!

4) At Balancing Point Acupuncture we work with you as a team to help you reach your goals. That’s right, now you have guidance and support in making choices that really make a difference in how you feel. Through discussion, teaching tools, counseling, social networks and targeted information, Balancing Point Acupuncture offers supportive services that are unique and unsurpassed. As your Acupuncturist and Nutritional Consultant, I will take the time to listen and work with you. Your health is a precious investment in your future and we honor your commitment, by our commitment to you.

Whether your goal is weight loss, building muscle or enhancing nutrition, I will personally recommend a system that maximizes your results. What are you waiting for? Celebrate your success and finally reach your goals now! Run like a Ferrari!



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