Electro-dermal Screening
Electrodermal Sensitivity Testing is an electrical system test in which all 50 trillion plus cells are governed largely by electrical differences occurring between individual cells and our external environment.
Modern Biophysics has shown that cells resonate at certain frequencies and have radio-like transmitting and receiving properties that allow cells to inter-communicate and control biological and chemical systems in the body.
As healthy harmonic cells resonate at a very different frequency to that of unhealthy cells, we use a specialized non-invasive form of electrical resonance testing known as BioResonance or electrodermal testing in order to identify possible cellular imbalances or stressors that may be affecting the body’s electrical system.
These stressors may include:
Addictions to food or alcohol, nicotine, drugs or other substances, etc.
Allergies or sensitivities to certain types of foods, fats, sugars, alcohols, chemicals, heavy metals (mercury, aluminum, etc.), environmental substances (pollens, grasses, etc.), or persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (hydrocarbons, gasoline, petrol, etc.) that may be linked to conditions such as asthma, hay fever or skin problems (eczema).
Gastrointestinal complaints including chronic constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort.
Hormonal imbalances that may result in possible weight problems, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, menstrual, and menopausal issues.
Psycho-emotional and immunological illnesses which may include stress conditions caused by past emotional, mental or physical trauma that has never fully been resolved.
Electrodermal testing has been used successfully in Europe since 1953, originating with the German Electro-Acupuncture technique developed by Dr. Reinhold Voll.
The procedure involves measuring potential differences (voltage) between a tip electrode held against an acupuncture point and a large surface electrode (hand electrode) held by the patient. The resultant resistance is then measured.
The EAV test technique is founded on the theory of acupuncture. EAV has shown that acupuncture points bear a direct relationship to a specific anatomical structure or physiological function of the body. We use classical EAV testing sometimes associated with new computer technology, while others use a variation of the technique known as Vegetative Reflex testing.
If you have specific substances you would like tested (I.E. foods, your pet’s hair, laundry detergent, etc.) please bring them to your initial appointment in a plastic bag.